Local Author, Francis Collins speaks at the Orange County Christian Writers Guild about her new book
Published 10:39 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015
By Karen Y. Stevens
Francis Collins is a local author and has published “Sea Shell Prisoners” and now “John’s Revelation God’s Greatest Love Story”. Collins spoke at the Orange County Christian Writers Guild on September 1st. Collins shared with the group that she has never really understood the book of Revelations and every time she tried to read it, she would close the Bible and walk away. Collins stated that in the last year or so she heard so many Christians talking about Revelations she determined to read one chapter and understand it. So she started with the last chapter – Chapter 22. Much to Collins surprise, she understood it and was excited because it shared all the rewards that Christians will receive when God takes us home. Collins decided to read Chapter 21 and then Chapter 20 and so on. A member in the group asked her if she was dyslexic since she was reading it backwards. Collins laughed and stated that every time she read the first chapter she was lost so she just decided to work backwards. Collins said she has used it for a ministry tool in Honduras and gave about 75 copies away to the locals. She also stated it is being used as a Bible Study book in Louisiana as well as Texas.
Karen Y. Stevens is Founder of the Orange County Christian Writers Guild