Newton County Sheriff’s weekly report 7.1.19
Published 9:31 am Monday, July 1, 2019
PRESS RELEASE — I’m ready for it to dry up. I need to mow. Let’s see what’s been going on here in Newton County.
We received a 911 call where a mom and grown son are fighting. Mom runs out the back door. When she got back home all her tires were cut, windows on her car all broken out. Blood everywhere. Son went to emergency room, then to jail. He cut his hand while cutting mom’s tires.
Voodoo neighbor is back in action. Neighbor throwing voodoo in neighbors house again. We ask them to stop. Not against the law to throw voodoo.
We received a call where a man said he may have been scammed. He sent $2000 to who knows where for who knows what. Please be smart, these scammers are working hard to get your money. Just hang up.
A lady called and said a bear destroyed her car. Turned out a dog chased a cat under her car. The cat up in the motor. The dog ate up the bumper and grill. No bear. Dog trying to get cat.
Gotta go. Thought for the week: If plan “A” didn’t work. The alphabet has 25 more letters. Ya’ll have a good week and if we can help, just holler. God Bless