Vidor extends temporary housing deadline
Published 11:35 am Tuesday, July 3, 2018
By Larry Holt
The Orange Leader
Vidor City Council approved a resolution extending for three additional months the use by citizens of recreational vehicles as temporary housing for those who are recovering from damaged caused by Hurricane Harvey.
Mayor Robert Viator Jr. said three city staff members are not yet in their homes and in good conscience could not recommend ending temporary housing for citizens facing similar circumstances.
After the additional three month extension is exhausted the city council will take another look at the temporary housing issue and make further recommendations as circumstances dictate.
The council also approved buying flood insurance to cover City Hall, the city library, and the Police Department building in an amount totaling a little less than $7,500 to take effect in approximately 30 days.
Retired Beaumont Police Officer Bill Davis was approved to join the Vidor Police Department as a Reserve Officer.
Davis retired from the Beaumont Police Department after 37 years of service and will assist the Vidor Police Department with his expertise in child abuse and sexual assault of children.
Davis has written two books on the subject and according to Vidor Chief of Police Rod Carroll, will teach a 16-hour course on the subject to raise the awareness and training of Vidor Police Officers.
City council members approved a resolution to submit the Community Partner Playground Agreement with KaBOOM!, an American non-profit organization that helps communities build playgrounds.
Submitting the application for review is the first step toward realizing a community-built playground to further develop Pirate Pride Park.
If approved, KaBoom! will provide grant funds for the playground build and the City of Vidor would provide up to two-hundred volunteers for the day.
According to the website Wikipedia, in 2011 First Lady Michelle Obama inaugurated KaBOOM!’s 2000th playground, in Washington, D.C to commemorate the organization’s 15th year anniversary.