Vidor Masonic Lodge presents 5th Annual Honesty and Integrity Award Ceremony
Published 11:16 am Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Special to The Leader
The Vidor Lodge 5th Annual Honesty and Integrity Award was presented to two Vidor High School Junior class students April 21, 2016. The awards were presented to Rylea Danielle Rutledge and Colby Allan Clark.
Stuart Simpson, Worshipful Master of Vidor Lodge with the assistance of Tommy Chapman, Grand Senior Warden of The Grand Lodge of Texas made the presentations which included a framed certificate denoting the award, a lapel pin and a Walmart gift card.
Ms. Rutledge and Mr. Clark were selected from the VHS Junior Class of approximately 300 students. They were recommended, at the request of Vidor Lodge, by VHS Counsellors and Principals for their overall examples of what this award represents by their activities both in and away from school environment.
The students we honored at this event with a Barbeque dinner meal prior to the presentations at 6:30 PM with the actual presentation ceremony beginning at 7:30 PM. There were approximately 63 attendees for this event. The meal and deserts were provided by Vidor Lodge and ladies from The Order of the Eastern Star Vidor Chapter 914.
The event was well attended by Vidor Independent School District Administrators Dr. Jay Killgo, Vidor ISD Superintendent, Travis Maines, Vidor High School Principal, Deidre Powell, VHS Assistant Principal for Junior Class,Diane Silver, VHS Junior Counselor and Howard Bailey, VHS Instructor.
The Grand Lodge of Texas was represented by Tommy Chapman, Senior Warden of The Grand Lodge of Texas; Chance Chapman, Regional State Coordinator.
The Grand Lodge of Louisiana was represented by Will P. Gray, Grand Master of
The Grand Lodge of Louisiana; Clyde C. Fletcher, District 8 Deputy Grand Master, Terrell D. Fowler, District 10 Deputy Grand Master, Ray V. Moses, District 10 Grand Lecturer and Herrin Ducote, Past Grand High Priest.
Vidor Masonic Lodge would like to congratulate Ms. Rutledge and Mr. Clark and express their appreciation to all who attended this awards ceremony honoring the two students.