Affidavit sheds light into Harris County killing, Vidor ‘dump’ site

Published 3:41 pm Monday, August 19, 2024

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A Harris County man allegedly shot his estranged wife’s boyfriend then forced her to help dispose of the body in Vidor, court documents show.

The suspect, Michael Maurice Mack, 48, is being sought on a capital murder warrant in connection with the Aug. 14 killing.

As of Monday Mack had not been located.

Michael Mack

Mack and his estranged wife had been married since 2019 but separated for the past year-and-a-half and were not living together at the time of the crime. She also told police Mack had a history of stalking since their separation.

The woman had been dating the victim, identified as Kelvin Hinton, 53. The two had gone out the night before and returned to her home and went to bed.

She was reportedly wakened at approximately 3 a.m. Aug. 14 to Mack standing over her and hitting her on the head with a rifle. He had broke into the home through a side window.

According to the probable cause affidavit, Mack put the rifle to the victim’s head and she pushed it away and told him to stop. The suspect allegedly pulled the rifle back and shot Hinton in the neck, killing him.

Mack then struck the woman on the head knocking her to the floor, the document read.

Mack was reportedly wearing a tactical vest, had a handgun attached to both the vest and one to his hip. He then forcibly made the woman shoot the victim again, placing his hand over her hand on the weapon.

The woman continued to beg for her life as Mack reportedly threatened her, telling her she was going to help him dispose of the body because he could not get rid of two bodies.

Mack wrapped Hinton in bed sheets and a comforter and placed him in the truck of a vehicle. The victim’s cell phone and wallet were thrown in a lake and his cash was taken for gas money.

The alleged suspect told the female to shower as he doused her with bleach, the document read.

Mack allegedly called someone for advice on what to do next and was told to take the body to Louisiana and burn it.

He exited the interstate and bought gas at a station in Vidor and drove to a secured property lot. The female noted a description of the area and later related this to police.

Hinton’s body was removed from the comforter and was set afire and the comforter placed back in the vehicle in the truck.

Later Mack would get plastic bags for the comforter and also cleaned the trunk, according to the document.

Harris County Sheriff’s Office contacted Vidor Police Department for assistance in the investigation. The dump site was located 1000 block of Old Highway 90 in Vidor.

A capital murder warrant was issued Aug. 16 for the arrest of Mack.

Anyone with information regarding this case or Mack’s whereabouts, is urged to contact their local law enforcement agency, the HCSO Homicide Unit 713-274-9100, or @CrimeStopHOU  at 713-222-TIPS (8477).