Bridge City ISD sets protocols for Saturday’s graduation

Published 8:41 am Thursday, June 18, 2020

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Bridge City ISD has been working diligently to provide the safest possible graduation ceremony for our HS Seniors with graduation coming this Saturday at Ward Stadium at the high school.

We are asking for anyone attending graduation to do so with the utmost caution and care for your fellow community members.

Please monitor your health and complete the health check form provided in your graduation packet from BCHS prior to attending in person. If you have been exposed or in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID19 within the last 14 days or if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, we are asking you to please join us by Livestream at:

BCHS has submitted written plans to the Orange County Judge and Orange County Health Officials to be certain that we are in compliance with current guidelines and help protect public health. The following are just a few of the additional safety precautions that we are taking.

Each student is limited to 10 tickets.
Each family has been assigned a seating section and row to allow for a 6 foot distance between families.
Each family has been asked to stagger their gate entry and arrival time in order to prevent lines and crowds in a single area.
Each family has been assigned a parking lot by section.
Each guest has been asked to complete a health check form to be turned in upon arrival.
Graduation will be livestreamed to enable viewers to have the option to watch from home.
Graduates will be seated in a grid to allow for a 6 foot distance between students.
Graduates have been provided with a mask to wear as a highly recommended option.
Stage seating will be limited.
Staff and graduates will participate in a health check screening and check temperatures the day of graduation.
Masks are encouraged for all guests in attendance.
Restrooms will be open for only 3 guests at a time and custodians will sanitize throughout the ceremony.
Guests will be asked to stay seated and exit directly to vehicles by rows at the conclusion of the ceremony.
Guests may not gather on the field at the conclusion of the ceremony.
While BCISD has implemented health precautions, BCISD cannot guarantee your health safety at the present time due to the COVID19 pandemic. Please follow precautions and guidelines to ensure the safest possible night for our Class of 2020. Congratulations to our graduates and we are looking forward to honoring you at your ceremony!