Docks are full at the Port

Published 3:25 pm Wednesday, April 10, 2019

By Dawn Burleigh

The Orange Leader


As Port Director and CEO Gene Bouillion prepares to retire this month, he noted he was leaving the Port of Orange with full docks.

He gave the credit to the ladies in the office.

The docks have been approximately half full for the past 12 months, except for June 2018 when it was almost full, December 2018 where the charts are shown at the Monday Port Commissioners meeting, indicated the docks were actually overfull.

The board also denied a change order for ALLCO, Inc., a diving company hired for debris removal.

According to Change Order No. 7, the dive team was out two extra days as well as three employees. Collins Management recommended the board deny the change order.

On the first day, the divers showed up, claimed they needed a boat and left. On the second day, the divers said they could only dive in shallow waters. On the third day, they left because ‘they had another job to do.” On the fourth day, the divers pulled up a pallet because they thought it was three piles together and a cable they thought ALLCO had dropped.

During this, Collins Management reported the team was dumping items in the river and Collins was picking up and had to inform the divers they could not do that.

Collins Management also told the staff at the Port that the extra employees ALLCO had on site were not needed.

Port Commissioners unanimously voted to deny the change order request.

The port is also seeking quotes for wind damage repairs at warehouse 3, 5, and 6. The board approved approval of a quote not to exceed $50,000. Commissioners also approved advertising for bids for the repairs if the quotes exceeded the amount.