Caring for your Collections

Published 12:57 pm Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Stark Foundation’s Library & Archive is hosting “Caring for Your Collections” a family workshop on July 21, 2018.


There are two sessions on July 21, one in the morning from 10:00 am -12:00 pm and again in the afternoon from 1:00 – 3:00pm. Workshops will take place in the new Education Center, at the Stark Museum of Art. There is a $25 material fee, per family.


Families will receive an archive starter kit. It includes a lightproof document box and archival quality storage supplies such as polyester envelopes and acid-free folders.


“Hurricane Harvey taught us how quickly we can lose family treasures,” said Jenniffer Hudson Connors, Manager of the Eunice R. Benckenstein Library & Archive. “This workshop will share ways families can protect their photographs, letters, and documents for future generations. “Floods are not the only threat,” said Hudson Connors, “insects, light, and humidity also damage collections every day. We’ll talk about caring for textiles, like that old letter jacket or christening gown, too.”


Call or email us to reserve your seat. 409-883-0871, or email

The Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark Foundation is a private operating foundation established in 1961 to encourage and assist education and to improve and enrich the quality of life in Southeast Texas.


The Stark Foundation seeks to continue the legacy of its founders through the programs of: the Stark Museum of Art, the W.H. Stark House, the Frances Ann Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts, and Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, as well as the Miriam Lutcher Stark Contest in Reading and Declamation, a qualified scholarship program for public high school students in Orange County, Texas. Programming is designed to create, and build upon, an appreciation within the community for the fine arts, Stark family history, the performing arts, environmental stewardship, and public speaking.


These venues, programs and activities provide the community and region with rich resources and opportunities for study and enjoyment of the arts, history and nature.