Giving thanks

Published 4:59 pm Wednesday, November 22, 2017

From the staff

When Harvey rocked our world, many stepped forward to aid and assist.  Some were friends and co-workers, others were strangers.  Many continue to give.  An event like Harvey tends to shine the light on those who step forward to provide for others needs.  But the reality is, day in and day out, there are many who serve others even when the spotlight is elsewhere.  We focus on the scoundrels and the selfish who make the news.  But, I am grateful for the many who give and serve beyond the reach of the spotlight whose names will never be known.  I suspect there are far more of those than we will ever know.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Bobby Tingle



Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year, not only spending time with my wonderful family but to be grateful for everything that we have. There is no doubt Hurricane Harvey rocked our “little world” but it has been great to see our community slowly bounce back. I’ve seen folks go way beyond their duties to help my family out and families across Southeast Texas and we’ll be forever grateful. Here’s hoping everyone enjoys that ham, turkey, dressing, dirty rice and yes, my beautiful wife Laura is making me a four-layer dessert. Last, but not least, GO COWBOYS! Happy Thanksgiving.

Van Wade

Sports Editor


Everyone and Everywhere there will be traditions of being thankful for family in their lives. Traditions are best kept on going because it creates the lasting memories to cherish to carry on forever into future generations. Keeping the tradition alive, I am most grateful for my family, my children Jacob and William and husband Daniel. My Mom for who, I am so thankful to have with me to teach me the ins and outs of being a mom, my Dad for his strength and knowledge of teaching us about the necessities. The Trahan family for the fun traditions we have had over the years and more that continues to grow.  Grateful  and thankful for everything life has brought to me at this point in my life such as for the wonderful friends, client relationships, and all the great adventures that I have been able to be apart of this year. Happy Thanksgiving to All.

Candice Trahan

Executive Advertising Consultant


There is so much to be grateful for this year. Watching the community working together to recover after Harvey is inspiring and shows how much we can and will accomplish. I am very grateful and thankful to the Orange County Road and Bridge Department. A road I travel frequently was a nightmare after the flood. I saw the men working on repairs and had to stop to tell them how much I appreciated their hard work. They took several days to complete the repairs, but so worth the delays in traveling. This is just one of the many things I have to be thankful this year. There are the doctors who took care of my father in law earlier this year, the staff of Bridge City Radiator who took care of my mother in law’s vehicle for her (and kept my husband’s vehicle safe during the storm), my mother for allowing me to joke with her about everything and most importantly, my husband. He is my best friend and I am grateful, every day, he decided to walk into the coffee shop all those years ago.

Dawn Burleigh
