Commissioners receive update on debris collection
Published 11:28 pm Friday, October 20, 2017
By Larry Holt
The Orange Leader
Orange County Commissioners were provided with an update concerning debris cleanup in the wake of the Hurricane Harvey disaster in the county during a public workshop on Tuesday.
Project Manager Buddy Lofton of debris removal contractor Ash Britt summarized between September 13, 2017 and October 16, Ash Britt has hauled away more than one-hundred and twenty thousand cubic yards of debris equal to approximately 54 percent completion county wide with 46 percent remaining to be picked up as part of the first-pass phase.
Commissioners John Gothia and Barry Burton described instances of debris piles located in difficult areas to reach, such as under trees or behind fences on private property or private roads.
“We are going to get it all,” Lofton assured.
If needed, debris removal contractors will make a second and perhaps a third pass to ensure all debris is removed, including items difficult to reach at their current location with further assistance perhaps from homeowners to make debris items more accessible.
It was recommended homeowners relocate hard to reach debris items to an area closer to the County right-of-way.
Lofton said his target for first-pass completion to be Thursday, November 23 but added his crews are attempting to pick everything up in the first-pass to avoid leaving debris for a second or third pass.
Judge Stephen Brint Carlton confirmed with Lofton that although both black and clear bags are useable for debris collection, it is advisable to use clear plastic bags. In that way, contents can be seen more readily, while black bags are randomly selected for inspection to ensure compliant items are being disposed of. B
lack bags slow the process of debris removal by contractor workers.
Small business and non-profit properties will continue to see debris removal efforts by Ash Britt including FEMA required documentation of the debris removal location and picture.