Commissioners Court reviews policies, accept donations

Published 5:12 am Saturday, May 27, 2017

By Randy Strong

The Orange Leader


Two citizens wanted to show support for local law enforcement by helping provide safety with a donation of three body cameras to the Precinct Four Constables Office.

Constable Jimmy Lane Money asked the Commissioners Court to accept three Pro-Vision Bodycam video cameras donated by Robert Norton and Patty Attaway to the Orange County Constable Precinct Four’s Office to help protect the deputy constables.  The court voted unanimously to accept the donated cameras worth $350 each and acknowledged the generosity of Norton and Attaway for their ongoing support of their constable and his deputies.

Commissioners Court held a workshop Tuesday to review policies and procedures concerning Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds.

Justin Bragiel, an attorney with the Texas Hotel and Lodging Association,  explained the guidelines for distributing the funds derived from hotel and motel sales taxes. Afterwards, Orange County Economic Development Corporation Director Jessica Hill reviewed the timeline for awarding the money. Hill reminded that following the policy established last years applications for HOT funds need to be near the end of the summer in August.

Assistant County Attorney Douglas E. Manning opened a discussion of a possible action to execute a contract with Five Star Correctional Services for the provision of inmate meal services to the Orange County Jail. The contract reflects the bid specifications including certain renewal provisions and a periodic review of meal costs and possible adjustments that were brought up at a previous council meeting. Commissioners Court voted  unanimously to accept the new contract that reflects a slight increase in the cost of inmate meals from $1.12 to $1.14 which will become effective July 1 2017.

Commissioner Johnny Trahan wanted to amend a policy to allow properties to have two culverts of 25 feet in width. The current policy was adopted in June of.  Upon further review, Manning informed the court that any change to the policies dealing with drainage would require advertising in advance so another public hearing would have to be called.  A workshop may also be scheduled to discuss all the options.