Pinehurst moving forward with improvements

Published 6:13 am Saturday, November 28, 2015

PINEHURST — As the city of Pinehurst prepares for the holiday season, City Administrator Robbie Hood is working on plans to improve city services for residents.

Parks, City Hall, water and sewer, customer service, and streets are among the items Hood has worked on improving since joining the staff at Pinehurst earlier this year.

West Park, with the help of Fraternal Order Of Eagles Sabine Aerie #2523 and John Toney of the Streets Department, is scheduled to move forward with a walking park.

The Eagles also painted barbecue pits and will replace the grills so citizens for an afternoon picnic may once again use the units as well as purchase picnic tables and swing sets for the park in June.

Manshack and Son is donating dirt for the walking trail.

“We wanted to incorporate the natural woods for the walking trail,” Hood said.

The path will require mesh and time for the dirt to compact.

“Weather is a factor,” Hood said. “We will also add lighting.”

Johnny Trahan recommended 360-degree lighting, which will save the city money.

“Street light on Peacock turn on, another light is to help residents feel safe,” Hood said. “We are also working on grants to add playground equipment, sand, volleyball and horse shoe areas,” Hood said. “Improving the parks improves quality of life while adding things to do in the community.”

A dog park is also in the future for the city.

“Harry Vine is investigating regulations,” Hood said. “The property is a FEMA buy-out so it must remain green for 99 years.”

Plans for the canine park includes fencing to separate smaller dogs from larger ones as well as obstacle courses, a safe walking area and watering stations for the furry friends.

“The park is still in the early stages at this time,” Hood said.

Due to budget restraints, Public Works Department now maintains the grounds at City Hall.

Pinehurst City Hall also participated in the GreenLight a Vet campaign, is also noted as the first official sighting identified as #greenlightavet support in the country.

GreenLight A Vet is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green.

“We changed all the lights, not just one,” Hood said. “It was a team deal.”

Water and Sewer is one area the city has strived towards improvements in recent years.

Currently the city is installing new sewer pipes on Lark Street.

“The sewer pipe bursting allows us to install new pipes without digging,” Hood said. “We snake in the new pipes and burst apart the old pipes without the need to resurface.”

The funds for the project are the result of a Texas Agricultural Grant.

The city continues to flush fire hydrants once a month.

“Flushing the hydrants does disturb the water,” Hood said. “We do contact residents through Blackboard Connect when it will happen so they are aware.”

To register with Blackboard Connect or to update ones information visit

Hood also said the city is working on cleaning the right of ways including declutter street signs while beautifying the city.

“To set an example starts with the city and council,” Hood said. “You never know when the next business drives through the area.”

Hood also encourages community policing.

“Community policing is showing a presence in the community with the police department,” Hood said. “I like to be proactive about everything. With a police presence it makes the streets safer.”

Changes imitated by Hood have not gone unnoticed.

“One thing, morale is high,” Pinehurst Mayor Joseph L. “Pete” Runnels said. “Hood’s background is in water and sewer. He is an absolute asset, we are very fortunate he applied and accepted our offer.”