
OPINION: Energy transition? Texans should plan expansion.

By Tom Luce and Jeremy Mazur Texas embraces everything about energy — especially what’s new. Texans struck oil ...


OPINION: From the editor: To ditch or not ditch Christmas cards…

Every year I hear someone comment on how they stopped sending Christmas cards. Now we see articles encouraging ...


OPINION: Libraries are where all students should feel accepted

Across Texas school districts are deciding to remove books from school library shelves while they are reviewed “out ...


OPINION: Story Over a Cup: A Pawsmas Carol continues

(Editor’s Note: This is part two of a series) The round ticking thing chimed once and Bill’s eyes ...


OPINION: THE IDLE AMERICAN – Back to basketball basics?

The late James Naismith, an accomplished educator/physician/minister/philosopher, also was an inventor. An 1891 collegian, he took seriously the assignment ...


OPINION: THE IDLE AMERICAN – When memory turns to mush…

Creative minds at Young and Rubicon—a recognized advertising agency in New York City— have introduced jingles, catch words (as ...


OPINION- Story Over a Cup A Pawsmas Carol

(Editor’s Note: This is part one of a series) It was the Eve of Pawsmas, Bill and Roswell ...


OPINION: This holiday season, don’t add an insurance claim to your list

As we approach the holiday season and another unpredictable Texas winter, you can ensure that your business and ...


OPINION: THE IDLE AMERICAN – In search of a different channel

Inept searches for humor–often with strong potential to be hurtful–have caused me to row my little fishing boat away ...


OPINION: Preparing for the Franken-burger

One day in the not-too-distant future, you may walk into your local supermarket and next to the ground ...

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