
CASA Classic Golf Tournament

CASA Classic Golf Tournament tees off at 7 a.m. Monday April 25 at Sunset Grove Country Club in ...


Celebrate Mardi Gras at AMSET’s Family Arts Day

BEAUMONT, Texas –  The Art Museum of Southeast Texas (AMSET) presents its winter Free Family Arts Day on ...


Newton County Historical Commission explores Skinner Cemetery

By Newton County Cemetery Chair, Ben Lindsey Submitted by Terri Woods, Newton County Historical Clerk The Skinner Cemetery ...


Newton County Genealogy Conference

Newton County Historical Commission will host the annual Genealogy Conference, Saturday, Feb. 26 from 10 a.m. – 4 ...


Following gardening trends

My trendy “green roof” arbor has been miniaturized and moved to a less lofty, but better spot in ...


FAITH: Hope for Today – A world divided by fear

Clay Center, Kansas – What happens when your life, your country . . . literally the whole world ...

Faith & Values

Hearts in Touch: Begin the day next to God

God speaks to me in different ways. Sometimes it’s a tug on my heart, a thought so unlike ...


Ask Rusty – Will My Social Security Benefits Ever Be Non-Taxable?

Dear Rusty: If we take our Social Security at our full retirement age (66 years and 6 months for ...



Faith Calendar 2.5.22

Bible Study Because of health issues with several of the speakers and new COVID concerns, the Bible Study ...


Community Calendar 2.5-2.8.22

Send community calendar events to at least two weeks in advance. Events may be added to the ...

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