OP-ED: A Democrat’s prayer over the House and Senate

Published 12:06 am Wednesday, April 21, 2021

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Arlon Davis

We thank thee Lord for putting us in charge. We’ll take it from here.

We thank thee Lord for giving us our way when it comes to ‘Choice’ as a tool to keep the population of certain undesirables under control. It hasn’t gone exactly as planned, but we’re making progress.

We thank thee old Lord for executive orders, for without them, we’d never get anything done. Watch over those we send out to confiscate the peoples guns, because we can’t have the folks thinking they are free to own them.

We thank thee old Lord for helping us exploit loopholes in the Constitution where none exist, such as the abuse of executive orders as mentioned above.

We thank thee old Lord for the Press, who covers our tracks and hides our crimes, for without them we’d never have been able to pull this last election off. A shout out of appreciation to every news anchor who climbed aboard our little propaganda train and smothered those pesky Republicans with lies when we needed them.

We thank thee old Lord for this new wave of illegal voters coming across the border. By the end of the year, we’ll have enough votes to stay in power until the New World Order is in place and America no longer exist as set forth by the Constitution, After that, we won’t need you anymore.

We thank thee old Lord for leaders of vision like Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. Every party needs useful idiots, and we’re blessed with more than our share.

We thank thee Lord for Chine, who dare not bomb us as long as their man is in power. Oh,… and watch over Hunter and his laptop, for whatever reason Joe is attached to them both.

We thank thee old Lord for the genius who thought up the Green New Deal. It reminds us of Franklin Roosevelt who was always cooking up some new deal. His ideas didn’t work any better than this one, but it sure makes one nostalgic for those old Depression Era days and soup lines.

Last of all, we thank thee old Lord for giving us so many paths to Heaven, for without them we’d never get in. When Oprah and the rest of us start showing up, we’ll have this place reorganized in no time at all. Sorry about voting you out of the party a few years back, but some thought religion conflicted with our Progressive agenda. Ta, Ta, for now, and try to stay out of the way.


Arlon Davis, citizen