Forging forward

Published 11:14 am Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dr. Rickie R. Harris

Four years ago, West Orange – Cove CISD began a strategic planning process that would carry us for an estimated period of five to seven years. The process began with a committee of district stakeholders. From this committee, we developed the strategic goals that have guided the district up to this point.

West Orange – Cove CISD will:

  1. Promote a positive image.
  2. Maintain a quality staff.
  3. Provide opportunities to increase family involvement.
  4. Upgrade technology throughout the system.
  5. Enhance programs to meet individualized student needs.

The Strategic Plan also articulated our Vision Statement of “Empowering Lives through Excellence Every Day!” Additionally, it defined our mission: “In partnership with our community, our mission is to transform lives through an exceptional educational experience.”

Every decision made over the past years had our vision, mission, and strategic goals in mind. I believe that we have accomplished a great deal. Now it is time to forge further ahead.

In the coming months, WOCCISD will develop a new strategic planning committee to assist us in designing new goals that will guide us through the next five to seven years. Again, we want to invite all stakeholders in developing a plan that is not only right for our district, but also reflects stakeholder voices.

Currently, tentative plans are for the strategic planning committee to meet April 6 and April 7, 2020. From the meetings, we will develop strategic goals to present at our April 2020 meeting of the WOCCISD Board of Trustees. Once adopted by our school board, our leadership team will begin to develop activities and strategies to begin to meet those goals.

We know that great strides will continue as we forge forward in WOCCISD.

We believe in John Maxwell’s philosophy that “One is too small a number to achieve greatness.”

Go Mustangs!


Dr. Rickie R. Harris is the Superintendent at West Orange – Cove CISD