Business as usual for City of Pinehurst

Published 8:20 pm Friday, March 16, 2018

By Larry Holt

The Orange Leader


PINEHURST — At the Tuesday evening City Council meeting the agenda and presentations combined to paint a picture of business as usual for the City of Pinehurst post Hurricane Harvey.

Although there is still work to be done, as expressed by City Manager Robbie Hood, the city is now looking to hire a Project Grant Administrator to research and apply for as much government grant money that can be had for post Tropical Storm Harvey relief to assist the city in recapturing expenses.

Hood said, “Waxman and Associates was the only bid we received for grant administration and they’ve done a good job for us in the past.”

With a unanimous vote the council approved the selection and also provided a unanimous vote to select Schaumburg and Pope Inc. to provide engineering services related to Tropical Storm Harvey.

Public Works Director John Cummings said, “The city is back to normal and running on regular pickup schedules and cleanup.  There remain small amounts of debris here and there and we will get all that soon.”

Code Enforcement Officer Harry Vine announced Boogie’s Car Wash is opening soon and Burger King has announced they will be opening on Mac Arthur Drive between HEB and Weinerschnitzel.

“They will likely be in by summer,” Vine said.

The Fire Chief said now that he has a full contingent of personnel he is able to form two companies within the volunteer fire department. One company will be a fire company and the other a medical company made up of medical first responders.

City Secretary, Debbie Cormier certified all council members up for reelection are unopposed and therefore the May 5 General Election has been canceled.

In other business, the council approved former Orange County Assistant District Attorney Douglas Manning to act as Assistant City Attorney for Tommy Gunn, at no expense to the city.

“I want to keep my license active and continue to exercise my skills,” said Manning.

The council was universally appreciative of Manning’s willingness to assist applauded his efforts to service the community.

Economic Development Corporation Director, Jessica Hill provided a brief, informative presentation regarding her efforts to promote Orange County business opportunities.   Hill said the corporation has hired Retail Strategies consulting firm to expand the vision, scope, and reach of the EDC.

“The EDC is doing a great job,” Hood said. “It is always a good thing to lower the citizen tax burden.  One way of doing that is to encourage more businesses to open and thrive here in the city.”