Sumler honors Pastor Charlie W. Coleman III this Sunday
Published 12:38 pm Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Special to The Leader
Reverend Julius Sumler will be the guest preacher at Saint Paul’s Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, located at 1201 4th Street in Orange, at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 30.
Reverend Julius Sumler is a native of Monroe. Louisiana and serves as pastor of the New Rocky Valley Baptist Church of Grambling, Louisiana.
Pastor Sumler was installed on Sunday, August 28, 2002.
He has provided leadership to existing ministries, e.g. new membership orientation, pastor’s class and has initiated others.
The church family has been mobilized and energized by his preaching and teaching.
Evangelism is one of his prime concerns as evidenced by the increase in church membership and his care and concern for the welfare of humanity. Furthermore, he realizes the importance of joint involvement of the University, the Community and Church in programmatic endeavors.
Pastor Sumler is a 2005 graduate of Wiley College, Marshall, Texas. He is also a 2008 graduate of B.M.A. Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, Texas, with a Master of Arts degree in Religion.
He has served as the Moderator of the Liberty Hill Baptist Association.
Pastor Sumler is providing leadership for the Church’s ultimate goal through the grace of God.
He serves as Vice-President of the Northeast Louisiana State Convention and provides the community with the Sunday morning Meditation on KGRM.
He is married to Jacqueline Payne Sumler, and they are the proud parents of three children and three grandchildren.