FAITH: Delivered from the disquietude
Published 12:40 am Sunday, August 1, 2021
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by Fr. Jonathan J. Filkins
Here we go again; or so it seems. With the unvaccinated, as well as a lesser portion of the vaccinated falling under the auspices of our greatly-burdened medical care, we face the potential for a further disruption to what we used to call “normal living.” The Delta variant has brought to us yet another, seemingly diabolical, permutation to an already complicated social and scientific landscape.
We have listened to the voluminous quantities of rhetoric and ink expended over these many months. Perhaps we have expended some ourselves. The individual frustrations are quite palpable, as the messages from the various domestic and international entities seemingly conflict; not only with one another, but within themselves. By most counts, this is round number four; with no surety of a cessation. This has, as we are prone to construe, the futility of our situation and place in it.
Yes, we have endured a plethora of restrictions and limitations. Some have contracted Covid-19, some have been hospitalized and some have died. Families have said their goodbyes over the telephone and attended attendance-limited funerals with closed coffins. Of particular note are our Seniors who did not have the comfort of visitors for over a year. Who can point a finger at any one of us for lamenting what we have just gone through and the portent of a continuation?
Yet, in all of the din, we obfuscate the message of our Creator. God, through Jesus Christ, told us that we are not to be of this world, but to be with Him. It is with Him we find our refuge and it is from our Lord we are to seek deliverance from this earthly disquietude. Too often we allow the cacophony of our daily lives to overshadow our relationship with God and what really matters. It is only in peace, with Him, will we find the true answers.
Many generations have awaited the Coming of Jesus Christ. We do not know when that time shall be, for it is not ours to know. What we do know is what we are to do as we await. We are to love one another and, in part, we are to forgive.
This may run counter to our native desires. For, after all, no one can tell us what to do, Yet, in any analysis, sacrificing for the greater good has been a hallmark of what constitutes being American and being a part of the human race. The millions who sacrificed so much during World War Two are quite recent stellar examples of the point.
Jesus Christ calls upon each of us to spend time with Him. We are to be in the quietude of His Divine presence and stand away from our own secular noise, and stand away from the secular noise of others, while discerning what is the true path with Him. Let us seek the Peace we are so earnestly offered.