Begin to discipline our want to

Published 7:28 am Sunday, December 15, 2019

Demetrius Moffett

Yes, we are in the holiday season. 

A time of sharing, caring and reflecting on the year gone by. We are also in a season of looking forward and making resolutions, promises and goals. 

If you are like me, I’ve made some that I’ve kept and made some that didn’t last to February. 

As I reflect on the season of goal setting, I couldn’t help but to observe what caused me not to complete my goals? In a close examination, I’ve found that in every case in which I have not met my goals, my want to didn’t want to. 

I truly wanted to, but my want to truly didn’t want to. 

If we are going to achieve any goals, we must have a want to (will) that truly wants to. Saying it only announces it, doing it accomplishes it. 

We will move from announcement to accomplishment once we get sick and tired, of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Once this happens, then it’s imperative that our discipline becomes a discipline. 

Our success is tied to our will to do. We can want to all day, but until our will to success becomes a will to succeed, we will never succeed. 

It’s very easy to get stuck in a rut, breed the spirit of procrastination and become lazy. This can happen so subtly that we never notice that we are living in a word of denial. 

Denying that we have a desire with no drive.  

Believing, I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna and never do. 

There is no substitution for desire and drive. These two disciplines must be disciplined. 

Desire and drive are the very fuel that powers our want to, to want to. 

Yes, there are going to be challenges along this journey called life as we pursue our goals. Being discipline will give us the strength to destroy the blocks of temptation, aggravation, irritation, and frustration that will attack our motivation to succeed.

Discipling discipline is the practice of training oneself to obey rules, a system of rules or a code of behavior of a branch of knowledge. 

So, as we approach New Year’s Day let’s begin to discipline our want to, to want to so we can truly want to……and we will.


Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God-Embassy of Grace, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.