LC-M’s Morris is Region 5 Teacher of the Year
Published 11:32 am Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Special to the Leader
During a special Budget/Tax Rate Hearing of the Little Cypress-Mauriceville Board of Trustees, Region 5’s Marianne Kondo and Dr. Danny Lovett, presented the Region 5 Secondary Teacher of the Year Award to LCM High School’s Terry Morris.
Not only is Morris a computer science instructor, he coached teams to the state level in 2015, and 2016. In 2017 his computer science team won the state championship in the 4A division.
Besides his teaching and computer science team coaching, he also is an active speaker and proponent for both computer science education and UIL competition. He has presented at the Region 5 Curriculum Conference; the 2018 STEM Conference in Galveston; co-presented the two-day Computer Science Workshop at UIL’s Capital Conference held at the University of Texas in 2017; and at the UIL Student Activities Conference held at the University of Houston in 2017.
Mr. Morris has been employed by LCMCISD since 2009. His principal for several years was Todd Loupe, now Executive Director for Secondary Education. He says this about Terry. “No one is more dedicated than Terry. His computer science students put in extraordinary effort because they know their teacher is putting in the same amount of effort for them. Mr. Morris has created a culture where his students put high expectations on themselves.”