Stand is what you do

Published 12:31 pm Saturday, June 23, 2018

By Demetrius Moffett


What do you do when you mess up? And you fess up to your mess up, but the fess up doesn’t clean up the mess up, but the fess up just messes up the mess up.

What do you do when you’re trying causes crying? You never intended for your trying to cause crying and you’re crying because you’re trying and your trying is not believed to be neither a try nor deserves a cry.

What do you do when your want has went? And you went to get what you want but what you want doesn’t believe that they are what you want but their your went, or that you don’t want what has went?

What do you do when you know that you don’t know but thought that you knew? But you seek to know what you thought you knew so you will know that you know what you thought you knew.

What do you do when you went left and should have gone right, and you thought left was right but as it turns out left was wrong and right was right?

What do you do when the one you have love for, feels that your love is not love but is lost? But your lost is really in losing the one you love that you don’t want to lose, but you’re lost on the path of finding the love that is thought to be lost. What do you do?

Have you ever found yourself asking any or all of these questions? It’s a terrible feeling when we find ourselves in a jam and we don’t know what to do.

There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Someone who knows what we have need of before we even ask and the only thing He ask us to do when we don’t know what to do is to just stand.

This simple request is a hard thing for most of us to do. By our nature, we want to try and figure out the solution and the more we don’t know what to do we try to do what we think we should do only to find out that we should not have done what we did because what we did was not what needed to be done.

So, the next time you don’t know what to do just “STAND”.


Demetrius Moffett is Senior Pastor of Orange Church of God, 1911 North 16th Street in Orange.