
LTTE: September is National Recovery Month

Come join your fellow community members in celebrating everyone in recovery on September 29, 2018 in Kiwanis Park from 10:00am to ...


Letter to the Editor: BOLD Act

Greetings Senator Cornyn, I want to begin by thanking your staff for the incredible hospitality extended to our ...


Tax breaks for companies do not work

Dear editor: Your article on Dayna Steele s race to unseat Babin was comendable.  Your contention that tax ...


Jeers 7.11.18

A reader took a picture of the ditches and sidewalks near Kroger’s on 16th Street in Orange. After ...


Raising awareness for cancer

Dear Editor, It can be hard to cut through the noise on social media when trying to share ...


LTTE – Tariffs on Canadian newsprint

Dear Editor – I am writing in response to the two editorials regarding the proposed temporary  tariffs on ...

Letters to the Editor

LTTE – To son joining the army

(Editor’s Note: A father wrote the following letter after his son took his oath and began his career ...

Letters to the Editor

LTTE – Election Congratulations

Dear Mr. Larry Spears, I, Terrie Salter, Council-woman District 3, wish you a hearty congratulation for winning the ...

Letters to the Editor

LTTE – Thank you Congressman Babin

Dear Editor,   A few weeks ago the Alzheimer’s Association asked that Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX36) consider co-sponsoring ...

Letters to the Editor

LTTE: Too little time in the classroom

I don’t pretend to understand all the problems with our educational systems, but there is one problem that ...

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