
Story over a Cup: The Caper

I like to sleep in on Sunday. Usually, I am up around 4 or 5 to take on ...


The Hlavinka Case and the importance of judicial engagement

Some of you are probably aware of Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association’s involvement in policy and politics. ...


From the editor: Registered voters are casting their ballots

While many believe Orange County is red, and even the Democrat Party has been proclaimed dead in this ...


Texas asks to end California travel ban

The saying goes that everything is bigger in Texas, and that is true of the amount of pride ...


Bernie’s assault on our cliché of greatness

“Excuse me, occasionally it might be a good idea to be honest about American foreign policy.” I don’t ...


It’s time to debate Pentagon spending

Despite hopes to the contrary, the Pentagon’s new, $740 billion-plus budget will waste scarce tax dollars while making ...


The Postscript An awful lot of cheese

My husband, Peter, likes buying in bulk.  Peter hates paying shipping fees. He never wants to run out ...


Story over a cup: Running, errr, bathing of the dogs

I am fascinated by world culture. Things other nations and people around the world do which we do ...


Free or earned? Which do you want?

Have you noticed that the non-billionaire candidates for the Democrat Party Nomination for President are complaining that the ...


Positive Highlights: What do you see in your reflection?

I want you to look in the mirror and do a self- reflect. What do you see? Go ...

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