Put your trust in Him and you’ll see miracles
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 16, 2019
By Karen Y. Stevens
My husband and I have an easy life.
God has always taken care of us based on David and I always have done our part, as God ask us to. Yes, we have had our share of hurts, pains, and loss of loved ones that we cried out to God to fix, but we knew even in our pain, God would be there for us.
We have not had any of those gut-wrenching experiences in several years.
Oh, I have whined about pain in my body, or about who has hurt my feelings, or praying for a loved one, but recently something has impacted us hard.
It is amazing how my prayers change when it is something really personal, and a situation that I know only God can take care of.
I can’t change my attitude to make it better.
I can’t take an Excedrin to lessen the pain.
Only God.
I’ve shared many miracles in this column that has happened in my lifetime.
Another one is when my husband and I were first married. I loved my job! I worked for a television station that was always doing fun stuff. I was the manager of my department, I got paid really well, and wasn’t interested in staying at home to take care of children.
After my first child was born, and 18 months of working, God changed things. He changed things at work, and He changed my heart about staying at home.
I knew God wanted me to quit my job, but I was scared to make this move due to financial reasons.
My husband’s company did not carry insurance, and mine did. We knew we would probably have another child, and I had a c-section with my first child. Which meant every insurance company we called would put riders on us, saying they would not cover me if I got pregnant, c-section or not.
Also, David has asthma and they would not cover any of those charges.
So basically, we would not have insurance for the two main things we wanted insurance for.
David and I discussed it, and we decided after looking for insurance those 18 months, that I would quit anyway.
We decided to believe God’s word that He would be there for us based on we always paid our tithes, and we were faithful to God.
But oh my, was our faith tested to believe that God would be there for us.
After being at home for four months, my Cobra insurance was running out soon, and still no sign of us getting insurance. Also, David was going on “commission only” paychecks, which meant some weeks he would not get a paycheck.
Scary; but God.
I have always said God waits five minutes till, and then shows up.
Well, He showed up in a big way.
One month before my insurance ran out, my husband’s company decided to carry insurance with no prequalification’s, so we were 100-percent covered.
A month later, God tripled my husband’s salary.
I tell you all this to say that I trust God that He will take care of us.
I know to this day God is faithful, so, even though my husband and I are in a trial right now, we know God will be there, no matter what.
Maybe not the way we would like for Him to be, but much better; the way God chooses to be.
Karen Y. Stevens is the founder of Orange County Christian Writers Guild.