City of Orange sees highest increase in sales tax revenues
Published 10:47 am Wednesday, August 15, 2018
By Dawn Burleigh
The Orange Leader
AUSTIN — Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced sales tax allocations for August was 8.2 percent more than in August 2017. These allocations are based on sales made in June by businesses that report tax monthly, and sales made in April, May and June by quarterly filers.
The City of Orange showed the highest increase in sales tax revenue in comparing this year’s payment with the same payment last year with a 2163-percent increase. This year’s payment was $496,744.49 compared to $408,395.47 last year. Overall, for year to date payments, comparing this year’s payment of $3,716,158.89 to last year’s payments of $2,982,180.95 shows a 24.61 percent increase.
Bridge City showed the next highest with a 30.79-percent change for year to date comparing 2018 payments at $1,238,149.50 compared to 2017 payments at $946,625.98.
Orange County shows a slight increase for this payment at $438,028.90 compared to 2017 for the same period at $431,220.07, a 1.57-percent increase in sales tax revenue. For year to date payments, Orange County shows a 22.64-percent increase for 2018.
Rose City is the only entity to show a decrease in sales tax revenue with a loss of 14.85-percent for this period when comparing 2017 payment of $26,044.21 compared to 2018 payment of $22,174.25. While the decrease appears significant, the year to date payments shows a slight drop of .08-percent.