Thank you first responders
Published 7:00 am Saturday, January 20, 2018
By John Warren
In the first chapter of Mark, you find the story of Jesus in Capernaum going to the synagogue on the Sabbath to teach. They were so moved by the authority he had as he spoke, even casting out demons.
He went from there to Simon and Andrew’s house where Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever. Jesus healed her and she got up and served them. News spread so quickly about this take charge kind of teacher who was casting out demons and healing with authority.
Before long the whole town was at the door.
Jesus healed many and cast out many demons.
In other places in the gospels, this would have been an opportunity for those looking with critical eyes to complain that Jesus was actually working on the Sabbath. But instead they were moved and marveled by his authority, he was a take-charge kind of teacher he was not afraid to take action.
It is always good to have those people who can take charge especially when you are caught in situations where you just don’t know what to do.
Last fall we were caught in a horrible flood. You and I have heard many stories of people stepping up to come to the rescue of those in need such as the Cajun Navy. We have workers staying in the Malloy Center part of First United Methodist Church to work on houses going on as we speak.
But I wanted to share with you a thanks for the people on the other end of the line when you call 9-1-1 and the responders who come to our rescue daily.
Last Wednesday morning my sister came home from the grocery store to find my brother-in-law sitting at the dining room table non-responsive. She had spoken to him 30 minutes ago and he was fine. But he was no longer fine.
I am so appreciative of the 911 operator who talked Elaine down and walked her through the things she needed to do. As she shared with me what she was instructed to do I was amazed that she could do it. I think I would be a basket case.
The Wimberley EMS arrived and worked on him as well but they were unable to bring him around. But what they did do was bring peace to a tough situation.
Paul says “faith without works is dead”.
Thank you for those faithful people who take charge to save lives even when they are unsuccessful. Our loved one was still saved.