Letter to the Editor: Senior Rally Day
Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Dear Editor:
I’ve lived in Orange County for 3+ decades and became a senior citizen (so-called) here but I never attended the Senior Citizen Rally day celebration until last Tuesday’s. It was just great! I had never before seen so many old people in one place, and I was stunned by the time, effort, and money that went into putting on this event for this segment of the population!
I was working at a vendor table. Had not played bingo since I was a child and was looking forward to doing that, but apparently, workers work and don’t play. Probably just as well because I thought the numbers being called were door prize numbers and thought they were being called pretty fast and that there was surely a lot of them – obviously I need to get out more!
Thanks to all involved for such a well-organized event. I saw the county judge there, Mr. Thibodeaux, and my county commissioner, Mr. Trahan, and other county dignitaries. I was amazed to see the trustees from the sheriff department working in their striped uniforms — I thought that happened only in the movies! – efficient and pleasant. I want to say thanks for the bottled water and for the wonderful meal! It was good, still warm, the meat was easy to cut with a plastic knife, and the servers were likewise efficient and pleasant. Although I didn’t need or use the golf cart to be carted around in, I was impressed that such was available for those who did need it. No one is beating me up or being mean to me, but nevertheless, I picked up some info about adult protective services to give to another friend of mine who may or may not need it. Also picked up info from a business vendor and called yesterday to make an appointment two weeks hence. I was just overwhelmed by how much I learned via the vendors and how many opportunities there are and what all is available! I had no idea! Thanks for the “Stay Strong Stay Healthy” page of exercises, which I intend to show to another friend of mine – that, yes, they can do them! And, thanks, too, to all the advertisers in the program booklet.
I took an old lady friend of mine with me and won a door prize gift-card to a local restaurant which, in fact, we routinely frequent; thanks, that was nice.
This was the first time I had been out to the Orange County Convention and Expo Center, and I was impressed with it too — not to mention, easy in and easy out.
Thank you, thank you, Orange County!
A. Best