Press Release form Orange County Emergency Management #3 for Jan 2019 flooding
Published 12:45 pm Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Press Release form Orange County Emergency Management
Sabine River Authority has lowered 11 gates down to 3 feet on Sunday evening; this continues to cause moderate flooding in low lying areas. The Toledo Bend Lake level is slowly decreasing towards normal pool; the river has crested at 27.11 feet at Deweyville and will slowly decrease over the next week or so.
The Neches River at the Saltwater Barrier is currently at 8.46 feet and is predicted to crest at 8.5 feet which is lower than the original level of 9 feet; however it is still at major flood stage and will slowly decrease over the next week or so.
An observation team to include employees from Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Beaumont Police Department and Orange County Emergency Management was dispatched Monday January 7, 2019 using a drone to monitor the peak flood levels and many roads are still underwater on both the east and west sides of the Orange County in the low lying areas. Remember if you come across flooded streets be safe and “Turn Around and Don’t Drown”.
To monitor the lake, river and flood stage levels go to .
Sand and bags are still available for all Orange County residents at the following locations- (Bring your own shovel)
Precinct 1 Road and Bridge Barn- 10375 N. Hwy 87 Orange 77632
Precinct 3 Road and Bridge Barn-2505 W. Roundbunch (FM 1442) Bridge City 77611
Precinct 4 Road and Bridge Barn-Claiborne St. Vidor 77662