Honoring All Saints Day with a parade

Published 10:21 am Saturday, November 11, 2017

Special to The Leader


St. Mary Catholic School students honored different saints on All Saints day with a parade.  In the Catholic faith, there are many everyday people like you and me that had lived their lives for Christ.

Saints are considered “heroes” of the Catholic faith.  One of the most common Saints today is St. Teresa of Calcutta.  She is more commonly known as “Mother Teresa”.

Students in the Religion classes at St. Mary are each assigned a saint for the Saints Parade.  The do research and learn about their saint.

The younger students make a poster cutout to depict their saint.

Older students actually dress in costume.

The students then all line up and give a brief description of their saint to the entire student body, staff, parents and friends.  This is enjoyed by all that attend.