Wells Fargo presents rules to financial health
Published 8:02 pm Friday, June 2, 2017
By Randy Strong
The Orange Leader
Wells Fargo Bank Loan Officer Zachary Thomas gave a presentation regarding the eight basic rules to financial health during the Tuesday afternoon Commissioners Court meeting.
Thomas began with the first rule of paying ones self first.
The second is to know where ones money is going every month.
“Tracking what you spend each month will help you see what you spend in your day to day life, on what bills need to be paid each month and where you might could spend less,” Thomas said. “Following the rule of tracking your money will set an easier path in following the remainder of the rules of creating a safety net for emergency funds, paying down high-interest- rate debt, knowing where your credit stands and keeping track your insurance annually. Most importantly it will lead to rule eight. It will help you to save for a better retirement.”
Commissioners Court approved the Julie Rogers “Gift of Life ” Program- National Men’s Health proclamation brought to the court by Norma Samson and Christina Morris.
Samson and Morris also announced that there will be a free men’s health screening from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, June 10, at Lamer State College Orange Student Center.
All men who attend will have the opportunity to be screened for prostate cancer, cholesterol, HIV, blood pressure, hepatitis C and blood sugar including a free in-site physician consultation.
In honor of Father’s Day, the Gift of Life is providing an additional 50 free screenings at each of its three sites.
Eligibility requirement are men at least 45 years of age (40 if African American or younger if there is a family history of prostate cancer) and have not had prostate cancer, have limited income and are medically underinsured.
To register call the 24 hour hotline at 409-861-5940 or online at giftoflifebmt.org.
The Commissioners Court also approved the use of the parking lot in front of the Orange County Administration Building on South Sixth Street for the Veterans Day Parade on November 11, 2017. The Orange Lions Club will put up a bond as well as making sure the parking lot is clean after the parade.