Trinity Baptist Church celebrates reason for the season
Published 8:34 am Thursday, December 1, 2016
Special to The Leader
Of all the seasons, the Christmas season is one of the favorite at Trinity Baptist Church of Orange. The blessed coming of the Christ Child, Who we have come to know as Savior and Lord, is an awesome celebration of life given through having a relationship with Almighty God through Christ. Last Sunday, Trinity Baptist Church began the season with “The Hanging of the Greens”. The service included several members reading scripture and explaining why the traditional flowers and greenery are used at Christmas. Under the direction of Dan Cruse special Christmas music was presented by the TBC Choir.
During the service the children decorated a Christmas tree at the altar with Ancient Christian Symbols known as Chrismons. The symbols represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts. Chrismons are made with gold decorations of beads, ribbon and glitter. The Chrismons were handmade by members of the church. The children explained the meaning of each Chrismon as the decorations were hung on the tree.
One of the most beautiful and meaningful traditions of the Christmas Season is the lighting of the advent candles with different church families participating with a scripture reading and prayer. Last Sunday Kathy and Mike Bourgeois, with grandson Reese, lit the Candle of Hope. It draws our attention to the anticipation of the coming of the Messiah.
Four more Advent Candles will be lit before Christmas. The second candle will be the Candle of Preparation, the third, the Candle of Joy, and the fourth will be the Candle of Love. The center candle, which is called the Christ candle, will be lit on Christmas Eve. The light reminds us that Jesus comes into the darkness of our lives to bring newness, life, and hope. The lighting of the Christ candle reminds us that the Messiah was indeed born into the world and walked among the people of the earth sharing the news of Salvation in Him.
The annual Candlelight Christmas Service and the lighting of the Christ Candle will be held Saturday, December 24th at 6 pm. Pastor Gary Price welcomes everyone to come celebrate the birth of Christ during this special service. Refreshments will be served immediately following the service. Trinity Baptist Church is located at 1819 N. 16th Street in Orange.